I am currently a computer vision lead at ByteDance/TikTok, Singapore and also holding an appointment as an adjunct assistant professor at the National University of Singapore. Before that, I was a research fellow at the University of Oxford, and a member of Torr Vision Group (TVG) working with Prof. Philip H.S. Torr. I regularly serve as an Area Chair for top-tier artificial intelligence conferences including CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICML and ACM MM, and serve/have served as an Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition and Guest Editors of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.

[Hiring!] Actively recruit engineering managers, scientists, interns in China, Singapore, and the US. Feel free to contact me!

[Contact Information]
For job and research related matters: songbai [dot] site [at] gmail [dot] com
For teaching related matters in NUS: song [dot] bai [at] nus [dot] edu [dot] sg

Recent News

My research interests span computer vision and machine learning with a series of topics, such as graph neural networks and adversarial learning. such as 3D shape recognition, image retrieval and classification, person re-identification and medical image analysis. Before that, I received my B.E. degree and Ph.D. degree from [Huazhong University of Science and Technology](http://english.hust.edu.cn) (HUST), under the supervision of Prof. [Xiang Bai]( I was a research scholar at the [University of Texas at San Antonio](https://www.utsa.edu/) (UTSA) supervised by Prof. [Qi Tian](http://www.cs.utsa.edu/~qitian/), and with the [Computational Cognition, Vision, and Learning](https://ccvl.jhu.edu/) (CCVL) research group at the [Johns Hopkins University](https://www.jhu.edu/) (JHU) supervised by Prof. [Alan Yuille](http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~ayuille/). I serve as an Associate Editor of [Pattern Recognition](https://www.journals.elsevier.com/pattern-recognition). [Call for Papers] ECCV 2020 Workshop on [Adversarial Robustness in the Real World](https://eccv20-adv-workshop.github.io/). Deadline: ~~July 20, 2020 AoE~~. (Submission Closed) [Call for Papers] CVPR 2020 Workshop on [Adversarial Machine Learning in Computer Vision](https://adv-workshop-2020.github.io/). Deadline: ~~March 15, 2020 AoE~~. (Submission Closed) [Call for Papers] IEEE TPAMI Special Issue on [Graphs in Vision and Pattern Analysis](http://songbai.site/files/Call-for-Papers.pdf). Deadline: ~~October 15, 2019 AoE~~ (Submission Closed). - Do not worry if you do not recieve the decision on time. We are chasing the reviewers. [Preprint] A versatile loss function for location-sensitive recognition: [Cross-IOU Loss](https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.04899)! [Preprint] A benchmark for video instance segmentation in occluded scenes: [OVIS](https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.01558)! Its [challenge](https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/32377) is being held in conjunction with ICCV 2021! [Call for Papers] CVPR 2021 [Workshop on Robust Video Scene Understanding: Tracking and Video Segmentation](https://eval.vision.rwth-aachen.de/rvsu-workshop21/). [Call for Papers] ICCV 2021 [Workshop on Occluded Video Instance Segmentation](https://ovis-workshop.github.io/). [Call for Papers!] IEEE TPAMI Special Issue on [Large-Scale Multimodal Learning: Universality, Robustness, Efficiency, and Beyond](http://www.pengxu.net/cfp.html). Deadline: ~~March 1, 2023 AoE~~ [Call for Papers!] ICCV 2023 Workshop on [New Ideas in Vision Transformers](https://sites.google.com/view/nivt-iccv2023/home?authuser=0) * Oct 2021: technical report on [OVIS Dataset and ICCV 2021 Challenge](https://openreview.net/forum?id=IfzTefIU_3j) is accepted by NeurIPS 2021 Datasets and Benchmarks Track. * Sep 2021: one paper about [Federated Learning for COVID-19 Diagnosis](http://www.covid-ct-ai.team/) is accepted by **Nature Machine Intelligence**. * Jul 2021: I am invited as a Senior Program Committee (SPC) member of AAAI 2022. * Jul 2021: one paper about 3D plane recovery is accpeted by ICCV 2021. * Mar 2021: I am co-organizing the ICCV 2021 Workshop on [Occluded Video Instance Segmentation](https://ovis-workshop.github.io/). * Mar 2021: three papers are accepted by CVPR 2021. * Feb 2021: I am co-organizing the CVPR 2021 Workshop on [Robust Video Scene Understanding: Tracking and Video Segmentation](https://eval.vision.rwth-aachen.de/rvsu-workshop21/). * Oct 2020: one paper is accepted by **TPAMI**. * Sep 2020: one paper is accepted by Pattern Recognition. * Jul 2020: one paper is accepted by ACM MM 2020. * Jul 2020: three papers are accepted by ECCV 2020. * Apr 2020: I am co-organizing the ECCV 2020 Workshop on [Adversarial Robustness in the Real World](https://eccv20-adv-workshop.github.io/). * Feb 2020: two papers are accepted by CVPR 2020. * Feb 2020: I receive a gift from DeepMind to sponsor our [workshop](https://adv-workshop-2020.github.io/) held in conjunction with CVPR 2020. * Feb 2020: our workshop proposal about adversarial robustness is accepted by ECCV 2020. * Jan 2020: I am co-organizing the CVPR 2020 Workshop on [Adversarial Machine Learning in Computer Vision](https://adv-workshop-2020.github.io/). * Dec 2019: one paper about line segment detection is accepted by **TPAMI**. * Nov 2019: one paper about transferable adversarial attack is accepted by AAAI 2020 ([PDF](https://arxiv.org/abs/1812.03413)). * Oct 2019: our workshop proposal about adversarial machine learning is accepted by CVPR 2020. * Jul 2019: seven papers are accepted by ICCV 2019. * May 2019: our team Oxford-CASIA achieves the 2nd place in the [2019 DAVIS Challenge on Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation](https://davischallenge.org/challenge2019/leaderboards.html). * Apr 2019: our special issue proposal about graph networks is accepted by **TPAMI**. * Feb 2019: three papers are accepted by CVPR 2019. * Jan 2019: I am appointed as an **Associate Editor** (AE) of Pattern Recognition. * Oct 2018: one paper about object detection is accepted by **TPAMI** ([PDF](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8493315) \| [CODE](https://github.com/ppengtang/oicr/tree/pcl)). * Aug 2018: one paper about 3D multi-organ segmentation is accepted by WACV 2019 as an **oral** presentation ([PDF](https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.02586)). * Aug 2018: I join the University of Oxford as a research fellow. * Jul 2018: one paper about image and 3D shape retrieval is accepted by TIP ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/RED_TIP.pdf)). * Jul 2018: one paper about person re-identification is accepted by ECCV 2018 ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/HAP2S_ECCV.pdf)). * Jun 2018: one paper about object retrieval is accepted by PR ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/SN_PR.pdf)). * May 2018: I join the Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence as a research scientist. * Apr 2018: one paper about object retrieval is accepted by **TPAMI** ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/RDP_TPAMI.pdf) \| [CODE](http://songbai.site/rdp/)). * Mar 2018: one paper about 3D shape recognition is accepted by CVPR 2018 ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/TCL_CVPR.pdf)). * Jul 2017: one paper about object retrieval is accepted by ICCV 2017 as an oral presentation ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/RED_ICCV.pdf)). * Mar 2017: one paper about reranking-based person re-identification is accepted by CVPR 2017 as a spotlight presentation ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/SSM_CVPR.pdf)). * Feb 2017: one paper about object retrieval is accepted by AAAI 2017 as an oral presentation ([PDF](http://songbai.site/files/RDP_AAAI.pdf)). * Jun 2022: our team ByteVIS won the 1st place on CVPR 2022 YouTube Video Instance Segmentation Challenge ([check our winner solution here](https://youtube-vos.org/assets/challenge/2022/reports/VIS_1st.pdf)). * Feb 2023: check MOSE [here](https://henghuiding.github.io/MOSE/): a challenging dataset for video object segmentation! * Jun 2023: check adversarial attack for diffusion models [here](https://sage-diffusion.github.io/)! * Jul 2023: DragDiffusion - check drag editing on diffusion models [here](https://yujun-shi.github.io/projects/dragdiffusion.html)!